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How Custom Logic Can Revolutionize Your Practice Model

How Custom Logic Can Revolutionize Your Practice Model

There’s so much more to integration than plugging in data– but  even the most efficient in-house teams can often miss opportunities to customize and refine the process. Here at FiveSix, custom conversion options and solutions-oriented integrations are what we do–...

What You Don’t Know About E/M Codes in 2022

What You Don’t Know About E/M Codes in 2022

As one of the nation’s leading integration providers for ophthalmologic practices, there’s one thing we know a great deal about: streamlining processes and helping smart practices generate more ROI for less.  When it comes to billing options for ophthalmologic...

Here’s Why Your Integrations Take So Much Time

Here’s Why Your Integrations Take So Much Time

What moves the needle forward in an integration process? What slows things down? To a team like ours here at FiveSix Healthcare, it’s all of the little pieces. To an in-house team, however, larger factors like bloated vendors, redundancies, and inefficient processes...


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